To highlight the importance of 21st-century skills in the classroom, a workshop was conducted by the principal of Darshan Academy, Ludhiana, Mrs. Rajdeep Kaur Aulakh. She introduced the teachers to new terms and techniques to be used in the classroom to teach all the skills 
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To make mathematics a fun learning experience, students of grade nursery to VIII displayed their skills in a maths exhibition held at Darshan Academy, Ludhiana. For the entire week, students were engaged with maths projects.  They drew out intriguing models, charts, flashcards and mind games 
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Darshan Academy, Ludhiana organised an internal workshop for teachers to familiarise them with planning an effective lesson plan. The resource person, Mrs Jagjeet Kaur, elucidated the comprehensive instructions that were laid out by DEF. She also chalked out areas to help the teacher guide and 
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Darshan Education Foundation organized an online spiritual curriculum workshop on the topic “Creating a Welcoming Environment” for all DA teachers on May 29, 2021.  MC, Ms Anjali Keshwani welcomed everyone with an overview. All the academies participated in an ice-breaker game initiated by DA Pune, 
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Darshan Education Foundation organised a Spiritual Curriculum Teacher Training Workshop on June 12, 2021, for DEF officials, the spiritual team, resource persons, heads of all academies and teacher trainers. It was hosted by Darshan Education Foundation with Ms. Mamta Sabharwal as the MC. The workshop 
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A two-day online national workshop for pre-primary coordinators and teachers of all Darshan Academies and Vidyalayas was organised on August 20 and 21, 2021, by Darshan Education Foundation. An uplifting video talk by DEF Founder Chairman, Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj began each day’s session 
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Around 60 principals of area schools attended a CBSE meeting on July 31, 2021, at the Hotel Radisson, Ludhiana. It was organized by Quest and co-hosted with CBSE City Coordinator, Ludhiana. Mrs Rajdeep Kaur Aulakh, principal,  Darshan Academy, Ludhiana was invited as one of the 
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The students of Darshan Academy participated in The International Innovation Summit: ‘IMAGIVATION‘ held from 21st May – 23rd May 2021. The three-day program provided an opportunity for students to explore & learn with participants from different countries. The 3 days program covered the – LIVE sessions, Quiz, Idea 
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A three-day Virtual National Workshop for Principals and Senior Coordinators of all Darshan Academies and Vidyalayas was organised from 24th June 2021 to 26th June 2021 by Darshan Education Foundation. The workshop kicked off with an inaugural welcome and a keynote address by Dr S.P. 
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Daily Tip
We should always do and give our best. The reward is in the service, not the fruits of the service. - Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj