Navin, a student from Darshan Academy, Ludhiana,  achieved the esteemed first-place position in the 200-meter race, competing in the U-17 boys’ category at the prestigious Kheda Watan Punjab Diyan event, which took place at P.A.U. Ludhiana. As a result of this remarkable accomplishment, he has 
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Darshan Academy, Ludhiana organized a Sports Mania for All event for kids aged 2.5 to 12 years. The Fitness Parv was to ensure the students’ physical fitness and sensitize them to the importance of sports in their lives. More than 100 children participated daily in 
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Students of class V-B at Darshan Academy, Ludhiana participated in a yoga activity during their online class. It gave the students the opportunity to try out different poses, stretch, release any tension and refocus.
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Daily Tip
We should always do and give our best. The reward is in the service, not the fruits of the service. - Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj