Students of Grade XII, Darshan Academy, Ludhiana made wonderful projects and powerpoint presentations in mathematics class during an integrated art project.
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An activity named ‘My Alien-My Buddy’ was organized for Darshan Academy, Dasuya students of grade IV in their English class. Students were asked to imagine what aliens would look like, draw their pictures, give them a proper name and speak on the topic ‘Imagine you met 
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The class VII-B students of Darshan Academy, Ludhiana learnt the nutritional value of different food items and made posters related to it in art integrated activity. 
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Students of UKG of Darshan Academy Ludhiana with the help of Safety Circle Activity learnt about their “No Touch Areas” and understood whom to report to, when there is an alarming situation. They also learnt to handle strangers and to say “No” to unwanted touch 
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Students of class IX-B Darshan Academy, Ludhiana learnt about viral infectious diseases, especially COVID-19, and why it is challenging to make antiviral medicine compared to antibacterial medicines.  Darshanities made posters sensitizing every one of the importance of being careful and maintaining distances.  
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”Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the ability to cope with it.”  Students of grade 2 at Darshan Academy, Ludhiana performed a “honey tongue” activity that dealt with conflict resolution. They learnt ways to peacefully solve and cope with conflicts.  
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Students of class V-B at Darshan Academy, Ludhiana participated in a yoga activity during their online class. It gave the students the opportunity to try out different poses, stretch, release any tension and refocus.
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Daily Tip
We should always do and give our best. The reward is in the service, not the fruits of the service. - Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj