NABET Accreditation Certification

We are overjoyed to announce that Darshan Academy, Ludhiana is the recipient of the NABET Accreditation Standard for Quality School Governance. National Accreditation Board for Education and Training (NABET) is a constituent Board of Quality Council of India. We are pleased to announce that Darshan Academy, Ludhiana, has stepped up one more ladder of success by being the first school in Punjab to receive this prestigious accreditation. It is a significant milestone for the school in demonstrating a commitment to quality education and initiating constructive reforms in the educational landscape. It is a great achievement for the entire school team, and an ecstatic and euphoric moment to celebrate in Darshan Academy, Ludhiana.

Daily Tip
We should always do and give our best. The reward is in the service, not the fruits of the service. - Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj